Data: 16 Luglio 1992, 17 Luglio 1992 | Sede: , Bergamo
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The second international Benchmark-Workshop on Numerical Analysis of Dams follows, at little more than one year interval, the first one also in Bergamo from 28th to 29 May 1991.

The lively interest and high-level international participation registered in the first B-W encouraged the ad-hoc committee of ICOLD on “Computational Aspects of Dam Analysis and Design” to hold this sequel at such a close time-interval, thus providing a high degree of continuity in this kind of activity. This aspect is enhanced by the fact that the technical themes (A for concrete dams, B for fill dams) concerned the same dams treated in the first B-W. For the theme A we thus see a logical progression from static (or modal) analysis to dynamic time-history computation, albeit still in the linear field. For theme B, on the other hand, consideration of the difficulties met with in the first B-W led us to propose essentially the same exercise, with better definition of input data, so that the high cost incurred in the relevant analysis could be put to good use.



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