Anno Costituzione: 2017
Chairman: A. Yziquel |
Membri del Gruppo: E. Baldovin - Member | Lista Paesi Membri
Recommendations for raising the height of existing dams
  • ICOLD Bulletins “Ageing of Dams and Appurtenant Works” and “Rehabilitation of Dams” provide a better understanding of deficiencies occurring during the lifetime of a dam and show innovative rehabilitation measures against them. During the lifetime of dams they may need to be raised to provide additional storage or increase yield to accommodate increased demands, to alleviate the effects of siltation, or to provide greater freeboard to enable larger flood to be passed through existing spillways or enlarged spillways
  • Recommendations will be given for suitable methods to design and construct raisings for each type of dam and appurtenant structure. Particular attention will be paid to the selection of design criteria for increasing the freeboard where the raised portion of the dam will retain water infrequently and for short periods. Methods of ensuring that the integrity of the existing dam and its foundations are retained or enhanced are to be investigated.
  • The use of risk assessment techniques to manage the selection of materials and suitable factors of safety is to be reported on.
  • Review Bulletin 49a “Operation of Hydraulic Structure of Dams” (reprinted 1986) and report on changes and additions requiered.

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