Newsletter n. 62 del 14 giugno 2012 Gentili Soci, Vi ricordiamo che nell’aprile del 2013 si terrà a Venezia il Simposio del Club Europeo dei paesi associati all’ICOLD. I temi in discussione sono quelli indicati qui di seguito: TOPICS of the 9th ICOLD European Club Symposium 2013 Topic A: Water resources management in Europe Topic contents: multiple use of water resources; analysis of water demand; long-range hydraulic interconnections; Integrated water management; sustainable management and cost recovery; dam-break analyses; emergency planning; climate change effects on water resource management. Topic B: Preservation and development of European hydraulic infrastructure system Topic contents: maintenance, rehabilitation, surveillance, and monitoring; management of siltation; upsizing existing schemes; use of new materials; construction of new hydro plants; refurbishment, modernization and maintenance of existing plants; preservation of historical dams; decommissioning; preservation and sustainability of know-how and transfer between generations. Topic C: An outlook to the future of dams and hydropower: the new challenges Topic contents: interaction between renewable energy plants, storage, and electric grid; pumped storage hydropower plants; climate change effects on energy production; smart grids to balance the variability in renewable electricity supplies; innovative partnership to manage the complex components of the "system response". Topic D: Social/environmental impacts vs. benefits of reservoirs: a still open question Topic contents: sustainability; public awareness, management of conflicts and needs to improve communication; minimun ecological flow, upstream and downstream continuity facilities, hydropeaking mitigation, sediment/bedload transport; multipurpose reservoirs; climate change effects on river flow; role of storage in flood mitigation. Topic E: Towards improving and harmonizing dams governance in Europe Topic contents: risk analysis; tolerability and acceptance of risk; critical infrastructures; regulations and guidelines for dam safety & security management; bridging the gap from "science" to "practical needs" to cope with inherent risks; new seismic maps crossing European borders for national seismic hazards; application of European Directives in the water sector and development of Eurocodes; new trends for renewal of hydroelectic licence policy. e Vi invitiamo a voler presentare delle memorie sugli argomenti di Vostro interesse, nonché a contribuire alla diffusione dell’informazione ed alla partecipazione all’evento. Qui di seguito troverete tutte le istruzioni per la presentazione dei testi. Deadlines • All abstracts should be submitted by July 15th, 2012 • Acknowledgement will be given from the Scientific Committee • The full paper should be submitted by November 30th, 2012 Submission instructions Authors who intend to submit a paper are kindly requested to upload an abstract on the reserved area of the web site Instructions to authors for abstracts Abstracts should be written in English and should not exceed 300 words. All abstracts should be uploaded in PDF format. Instructions to authors for full papers Papers should be written in English and should not exceed 10 pages in length. All papers should be uploaded in PDF format. For detailed instructions and template for abstracts and full papers, please visit the web site Nonostante quanto indicato è anche possibile presentare una memoria, unitamente al suo sommario dopo la data del 15 luglio ma prima del termine del 30 novembre 2012. Auguri di buon lavoro. Approfittiamo dell’occasione per dare un caloroso benvenuto ai nuovi soci :  Ing. Riccardo Angelini – Ministero Infrastrutture e Trasporti (Socio juniores)  Ing. Sante Bonanni – Astaldi S.p.A.  Ing. Paolo Ferrari – AMAIE  Ing. Emiliano Veronese – VAG Valvole Italia Srl

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